Friday, September 30, 2011

Sept / Oct

Libro de Mal Amor
By Fernando Iwasaki

Author Fernando Iwasaki introduces his main characters in a pretty unique way —through the eyes of the women who have loved him. Ten chapters that carry the names of the many women who have trashed him throughout the many years of his unfortunate love life. But, has it really been totally unfortunate? These experiences tell us that stories don’t only have a negative side —in the words of the author “an unsuccessful love live leads to a funny life since a bad love is a guarantee of good humor.” Description in Spanish: Fernando Iwasaki nos presenta un personaje de forma original y divertida: a través de las mujeres que no lo han amado. La poco afortunada vida amorosa del protagonista se nos presenta de esta forma, en diez capítulos que llevan el nombre de otras tantas mujeres que le han dado calabazas a lo largo de los años. Experiencias que no sólo tienen un lado negativo pues, en palabras del propio autor "a falta de éxito amoroso bueno es el éxito humoroso, pues el mal amor es garantía de buen humor". (Product Description)

Leader/Host: Tertulia Literaria
Discussion Meeting: Tuesday October 25th 6pm
Location: Instituto Cervantes ~ 31 W. Ohio