Monday, November 02, 2009

Nov 09 - On a lighter note ...

The Dirty Girls Social Club
By Alisa Valdes-Rodriguez

The Dirty Girls Social Club closely resembles Terry McMillan's Waiting to Exhale: a handful of young women seek real love and job satisfaction. Unlike McMillan, Alisa Valdes-Rodriguez has completely thrown out any literary pretensions whatsoever, and that's not necessarily a bad thing. Dirty Girls is a fun, easy, ultimately charming read, not least because the girls themselves are so appealing. Six Latina women become fast friends at Boston University and thereafter meet as a group every few months. Now in their late twenties, they're each on the cusp of the life they want. The novel is narrated in turn by each woman.

Leader/Host: Open
Discussion Meeting: Wed Dec 2nd - 7pm
Location: Cafe Bolero

Por mayoría de votos, decidimos tomarnos un descanso y pasar de lo serio a lo trivial, de las muertes a las aventuras y de la lectura intensa a la lectura light. Do you think this will turn into one of those Sisterhood of Traveling Pants/Gossip Girl nightmares that we love to hate and/or hate to love?

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